Saturday, 24 September 2011

How big of a deal is it for transferring to a college to have C on your transcript?

I am transferring to UCSD through the TAG program, I know the requirement is to have above a 3.0 which I will still have, but I think I am going to get a C in my math this a big deal and will it change anything?? Also, if I was to retake the class, it would be next semester whcih wouldn't end until AFTER I already have applied to UCSD, how would that work? Do they even see your fall grades??
How big of a deal is it for transferring to a college to have C on your transcript?
No a C won't make a difference so long as you maintain the average.

I transferred with a D (1 unit class, the class didn't transfer, but it didn't stop me from getting in).

When you apply they let you in based on what is available. Before your 2nd semester you will have to submit a %26quot;final%26quot; transcript from your previous school, and they will place a hold on your account until they receive it. If you retake the class and get a better grade they will eventually get the record, and it will improve your overall GPA.