I am doing an independent project for an English class and was hoping to get data outside of the college I attend. (Savannah State University) If you would please answer the following questions IF AND ONLY IF YOU ARE A COLLEGE STUDENT WITH A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND LIVING ON THE SAME CAMPUS AS YOURSELF. Thank you so much in advance.
1. Are you a male or female?
2. What is your orientation? (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
3. How long have you and your girl/boyfriend been together?
4. Do you feel it is very important to spend time with your significant other everyday?
5. On average, how much time do you and your significant other spend time together?
6. Of the time spent together, how much of it is spent studying?
7. Has your grades changed since you have been with your significant other? (If so, HOW?)
8. Do you and/or your significant have any children?
9. Are your grades very important to you?
10. What is your current GPA?
FOR ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS! Does having a girlfriend/boyfriend on campus affect the time you spend studying?
1. Female
2. Freshman
3. 1 year, 2 months
4. Yes
5. 3 hours per day (depending on the amount of homework %26amp; other responsibilities)
6. 1 hour per day (sometimes all of our time together will be homework, sometimes none of it will be)
7. No
8. No
9. Yes!
10. 3.9
FOR ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS! Does having a girlfriend/boyfriend on campus affect the time you spend studying?
3.10 month
4.not important,just certain things like going eat together
5.about 2 hours
6.of entire night I spend to study
7.yes,because he support me during my study such as gave me information related my subject.
9.Yes,is most important because shown my creadibility of academic for the future soon.
10.upper 3.00
3 3/4 years
A few hours a day, maybe less
Yes, for the better
Yes, very, very important.
3.92- 3 semester so far; I haven't figured it out for this current semester.
~1 year, and before him 1 year
most of it...that and eating
yep...got higher