I've always been like the school %26quot;Badass%26quot; cursing out teachers fighting other students. I at the moment hold my towns record at 32 suspensions since 6th grade beating the old one by 4. I guess i was never kicked out of the school district because even though I was bad I had good grades(I don't know how maybe the teachers wanted to get rid of me)I've been out of school going on 3 years now %26amp; I come from a kind of rich family so I've never had to work I always had a bank account to take care of me %26amp; I'm sick of it %26amp; myself. I'm an undisciplined person with a live that's headed nowhere. I always wanted to join the military mostly the marines but all they've done is lie to me about things so i started looking at the army %26amp; they've been more honest with what ill get out of joining them %26amp; how it'll change my life, cause I have no idea where my life is headed %26amp; once my bank account is empty my family will only take care of me for so long. So I just wanted to ask the one that are in or have been in the Army what has it done for you %26amp; how did it change your life?
Question for the Women/Men who are in or have been in the Army.?
wow you have asked an awesome question because you know i am an Recruiter and i run into students that just do not understand the life of the Army. They think that because they have it made with the parents, that they have it made for the rest of their life. you sure put a great point out there and i think i may use your question as a example. you seem like a great kid that has open your eyes early and realise how life is going to be. The Army from the beginning taught me discipline, to respect others no matter what the situation is, to take care of my own, not to steal, to be a hard worker, to plan for goals, to continue my education, to travel and not be stuck in the same town all my life, to meet new people from all aspect of life and get along with them. I have 6yrs left and still look young. The thing about the army is that its the biggest branch and offers the most bonus money. ofcourse money is not everything so if you do decide to enlist in the Army, go more for the job that you will enjoy and not for the bonus money as much, because its the job that you got to perform afterall. Also, your recruiter can print you out a reservation sheet before you go to MEPSa dn enlist. this means you will have a printout and proof in black and white of the job you chose, bonus money, day you ship, and dates of when basic and AIT(job training location) will start, also how long the training is. Basic is always 9 weeks long. what state are you in? I am in North carolina! if you need anything you can I.M. me or email me personally
Question for the Women/Men who are in or have been in the Army.?
The biggest thing for me is that it is paying my tuition now. I put in 6 years and now I can go to school and work part time. As far as your situation, the Army does teach you a lot of discipline, and it sounds like you could use it.