Saturday, 24 September 2011

Someone pllzz tell me if this changes your mind or makes you think about it?

Kids should have a choice to get cosmetic surgery.Evan thought teens are young they are still citizens of America.So they should get the same rights.

The kids should be aware of the health effects before they go under surgery.A test should be required by the government to see if the teen is physicaly and mentally ready for the surgery.If the teen does not pass the test they are not allowed to go into surgery.

There are many benigits and non benigits of teens getting cosmetic surgery.Some of the benifits are higher self esteem.There are also health benifits to. For example if a teen has a lzy eye they could get eye surgry.Possibly improving their looks and their sight wich is part of your health.

Some non benifical things may occur such as a teen not being happy with their results.There might evan be some bad side effects or a mistake durring the opperation.

i also have a conclusion but i ran outa letters in 8th grade does this essay sound good if not how can i make it better
Someone pllzz tell me if this changes your mind or makes you think about it?
children under 18 are still changing. i think if you want surgery that you should wait until you stop growing. i think it is sad to fear of young girls getting breast implants and nose jobs just to try and fit in. god had made us beautiful in our own way. wait till they are older and see if they still feel the same way about their bodies.
Someone pllzz tell me if this changes your mind or makes you think about it?
Spelling, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
You did a good job, but I don't agree with you. When a kid is able to support themselves then they should be given the right. However, how many kids do you know who pay their own way? Adult decisions usually come with maturity. When a kid is old enough to make their own decisions(18) if they have the money, then they can go for it.