I have about 10 days to read a book and write a well-organized essay on how I was influenced by the book or how it changed my mind about something.
Fiction or non-fiction. I don't know what to pick though!
It can't be something simple like %26quot;never give up%26quot; because I already knew that. It must be a decent thing that changed my mind or influenced me.
I'm in 8th grade and this essay is a major part of my grade AND it may count towards points to which high school I go to!!!
Please recommend any good books that have a easy theme to pick out. I need something do-able in 10 days, to read the book AND write the essay.
Websites on help with the book would be great. If you could possibly tell me the theme that would help too. I am a good reader but have other work each night too. A good book with a good theme but readable.
PLEASE HELP!!! Anything is greatly appreciated. This essay is so important and I don't know what book to pick!
-- Thanks
Can you recommend a book that influenced you or changed your mind about something? Important essay!!! Help???
The Bible
Can you recommend a book that influenced you or changed your mind about something? Important essay!!! Help???
I'm currently doing an essay on To Kill a Mockingbird
I reccommend The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
By John Boyne
David Fickling Books, 224 pp., $15.95, ages 12 and up
Published in more than 16 languages, Boyne's powerful and unsettling story examines the Holocaust from a new perspective: that of a naive 9-year-old son of a wealthy family. Bruno doesn't know what to make of his surroundings, but not-so-subtle clues (%26quot;The Fury,%26quot; %26quot;Out-With,%26quot; uniforms that resemble %26quot;striped pajamas%26quot;) help readers deduce that his father is commandant at a Nazi concentration camp. Not all young readers will be able to handle the intense material 鈥?especially the abrupt and emotional denouement 鈥?but for some Pajamas could become as memorable an introduction to the subject as The Diary of Anne Frank was to their parents.