What can be done to motivate her to enroll, what helped you, your kids, your friends, what changed your life to good. I know SHE has to be the one to do it, but sometimes little things can really help. She has the $ and grades. Please let me know, honestly reply, life is to valuable to waste.
How to motivate high school grad to stop dead in job, go to nursing school (LVN)?
I am in my 30's and this past August started pharmacy school. I already have a degree in photography which I didn't get until my 20's. The first time I went I felt the need to finish what I started.. I did 1 year of college when I was 18. I just wanted to accomplish something and I did. I have taken my photography career as far as I want to take it at this junction in my life. I was always interested in pharmacy and had been kicking around the idea for a while when I though what the heck.. let's do it. I work full time and I am a full time student, plus I have a home, a family, and a farm, so I am completely exhausted but so far it is worth it. But you are right, it has to be something that she wants to do for herself. You can encourage and support her, but she has to make the decision. She may be scared to go back on her own. Maybe you should take a class and ask her to take it with you. Once she gets her feet wet she may be all for it. A lot of people find me fearless for doing what I am doing and would never think of going to a class by themselves, but I don't know what the big deal is, but she may feel like that.
How to motivate high school grad to stop dead in job, go to nursing school (LVN)?
It depends on what you classify as a dead end job. I chose to work as a laborer during my senior year in high school instead of focusing on college. I never went to college and have been an engineer, project manager and supervisor. But I had to work at it. I would advise anyone to go to school.
You can give her encouragement and support. But I suggest that you encourage her to talk to adults in her feild and adults in nursing. Sometimes outside opinions are helpful.