what can i do to make professor change a grade on quiz. I got a 15 out of a possible 20 which means i got a 75 but I really wanted a 100. He basically responded by emailing me back with this response:
Don't worry about the length of the e-mail.
To be fair and consistent regarding on how to deal with the grading of the impaired quiz of the last class, I will adhere firmly to my stated grading algorithm in class. I.e., dropping question 3 and 5 and grant everyone 5 points and counting questions 1, 2, and 4 for five points each so that the quiz will be out of 20. By the way, you earned a 15 out of 20 for quiz #3.
This was the email i sent him:
Professor I was curious in knowing how exactly you are grading the
quiz since I am really not sure as to what I received on the last quiz
you gave. I am really anxious due to the fact that I know question 5
has been ommitted yet I remember getting that one correct and also you
was automatically giving everyone 5pts. on question three. I spoke to
you last class, but I don't think you quite understood what I was
asking which was if those who actually got questions 3 and 5 correct
can get another question that was incorrect credit since the other
questions I got were right. I believe I got only question 2 wrong and
was asking if you would be willing to give me credit since I got the
others that you was not going to count right. I am taking this course
as a requirement for my Forensic Psychology major and really want to
do well and so far on the last two quizzes received a 100, and 80. I
really am not satified with anything below that since I majorly
studied both the Cross Cultural paper and Kerry paper as well as
coming prepared for the quiz. Again, I thankyou for reading this long
email that I sent in order to clarify what I meant to ask you in last
class and hope you can consider it when grading the quiz if not done
so. Thankyou, and see you in class ready yet again for quiz 4 lol.
Enjoy the rest of your week
I even spoke to him in class and he still said that oh he going to give like 4 or 5 more quizzes that I can make up for those quiz grades. Though I really think he is being unfair. How can I talk to him that will make him reconsider? I would greatly appreciate the help
How can i convince professor to change grade?
There isn't much to do if you got the problems right on the quiz, its not like he can give you points for getting the problem wrong.i would personally ask for some extra credit..
How can i convince professor to change grade?
do extra credit work