How do you deal when everyone in the seventh grade at your school hates you?
I promise it's only 7th grade. I'm a freshman in college and I definatly remember the junior high days when it seemed like the world was going to end. You feel like you're forced to hang with what's called the %26quot;unpopular%26quot;, you sometimes eat, walk, and sit alone. Everyone makes fun of you. Trust me, i remember the days. But it's only junior high school. When you go to high school, depending on how big your town is, half the people you attend school with now will switch schools and many other people will move to your town. You'll meet new people and make new friends as time goes by. In 10 years and even 5 years it wont matter who liked who and who sat alone because i guarantee you you'll probably never see those people again. If all they have to do in there lives is pick on other people then how good of a person does that make them? From personal experience i know that everything gets easier when you just care about what other people think. They don't matter. I promise it gets easier. If it doesnt then you can find me personally and slap me. =) but it will. know it's hard now, but like i said, it's only 7th grade. and if your school only goes to 7th grade shouldn't you be in summer break soon and then 8th grade in a new school? good luck.
How do you deal when everyone in the seventh grade at your school hates you?
forget them.
those who mind dont matter, and those who matter dont mind
who cares if they don't like you! you shouldnt care what people think. and youre only in 7th grade.... really youre going to grow up and be more successful than those losers and laugh at them.
you will find that when you get older, %26quot; i'm 70 %26quot;, that where ever you go someone usually hate you for no reason and there is nothing you can do to make them like you. so that's your hate person. you're alright but they are not. go on with your life and stop letting it bother you.
just be a bad ***...when ppl start laughin at you just point and laugh at them, you got to let them know you dont give a ****...if u walk around with your head down and upset they are gonna attack you more...and for whatever reason they are pickin on you...keep doin it
so.. you got a lot of little miss trolls and they have you down for being the victim. everyone is gaining up on you? make some new friends or join a church organization. talk to your counselor..if u have one.i know its hard to ignore them...boy..little middle schools kids are ***..holes! just try to maintain confidence...look as good as u can...maybe a new hair..doo..that makes you look cool. cheer up! you wont have to deal with these little trolls in high-school if you dont want to. and maybe they will grow-up by then.hang in there..these little miss trolls will get tired of what there doing.
They are probably jealous of you and that's why they want to bring you down, they think if they can hurt your feelings then they will be better then you. But seriously ignore them, focus on your studies and try hard not to let them get you down. I bet you are an amazing girl with a lot of potential and that is why they make fun of you because they know that you are great and they only wish they could be as great as you! Its hard now and I wish kids would not bully and pick on other kids because it can be so hurtful but just remember to keep your chin up and smile often and know that you are a wonderful,unique individual with so much to offer. best of luck!
**** em