I asked the same question yesterday, but I added more.
“Codie… psst Codie…Codie…CODIE!” my best friend Ainsley shout-whispered into my ear trying to get me to wake-up before my teacher Mr. Fay saw me sleeping.
“Wha?” I said in that just woken up why am I not in my bed mode.
“Codie the movie is over,” Ainsley said.
“Oh,” I said dumbly. “I swear those movies get more and more boring every time.”
“I know right,” said my other best friend Ella , who was walking over towards me and Ainsley.
Right now ‘I know right’ was Ella’s catch phrase.
“When are you going to stop saying that?” I complained to Ella.
“When you stop constantly playing with your hair.”
“Touché,” I responded back.
“Simmer down you two,” Ainsley said trying to keep the peace.
“She started it,” Ella said.
“I know right,” I said in a mock-ish tone.
“You guys chillax!”
There was an awkward silence after that, which Mr. Fay broke.
“You may leave,” he said.
Ainsley, Ella, and I headed towards our lockers. We got lucky this year since we are all in the same homeroom, unlike last year in sixth grade when all of my ex-friends where all in the same homeroom and I wasn’t, which was a big deal, as you can probably see with the ex in ex-friends. Sometimes I wonder why I was ever friends with those attention seeking Paris Hilton wannabes.
“Hey Code, Ella is coming over my house you wanna come too?” Ainsley asked me, forcing me to come out of my trance.
“Oh no thanks I have to watch my younger brother tonight,” I responded.
“Isn’t Brent like ten?”
“Yeah, but my mom is paranoid that he would burn the house down… and probably for good reasons.”
“Why can’t Doug watch him – Brent loves Doug!” Ainsley said obviously not seeing how that statement could be offensive to me.
“Because Brent and Doug together will for sure end up in the house being burnt down.”
Brent and Doug are my two brothers, Brent ten (as Ainsley pointed out) and Doug is fifteen.
“Okay well call me if you change your mind,” she chuckled out.
“’Kay bye.”
“Bye,” she called back as she walked away.
I put my history book and parent teacher conferences papers in my tote bag which I use as a backpack.
When I got on my bus I sat in my usual seat in the back. I set my tote/backpack next to me so nobody would ask to sit next to me, and got my history homework out.
1. What was the beginning of the Revolutionary War?
The shot heard around the world in Lexington and Concord
2. How long was the Revolutionary War?
8 years
3. Who was George Washington?
He was a gener-
“Can I sit next to you?” a little blond sixth grade girl asked me, rudely interrupting me from my homework.
“Um… no,” I said abruptly
“But there’s no where else to sit!”
“That’s your problem not mine!”
“She’s sittin’ with ya!” my bus driver Ms. Stalls who I’m pretty sure hates me said over that bus microphone thing.
I rolled my eyes and moved my bag onto my lap.
“I’m Leighton,” the girl said.
“I don’t care.”
“Well I would if I where you because some day I’m going to be a famous model,” Leighton said.
“Don’t you have to be um… tall to be a model,” I was going to say attractive but I decided that would be way out of line, and she wasn’t ugly.
“Well I’m only twelve and I’m already five foot four!” which I wouldn’t admit to her, but is two inches tall than me.
“Hey Codie hanging out with sixth graders now?” asked Chance “I guess that wouldn’t surprise me that your picking less popular friends, since you ditched Zoe and all of them.”
“Shut up Chance, and don’t even try to understand what happened between me and Zoe,” I said.
If it is not already obviously enough, I hate Chance and everything about him. I even hated him when I used to hang out with him, but I pretended that I didn’t mind him, when he was going out with my ex-friend Livy – and let’s just say I threw a party for Livy when she and Chance broke up.
“Oh looks like someone is a little feisty… me-ow,” Chance said in a failed attempt to be funny.
“Hey you in the back with the white hat on, SIT DOWN!” Ms. Stalls commanded Chance.
You see the thing with Chance is that he acts all bad boy, but he would never do anything that would cause him serious trouble in his life. I’m pretty sure he’s never even had a detention.
What do you think of my book so far?
Great job! I was completely drawn in by it! Good luck! Will you please answer my question??? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;…