Saturday, 4 June 2011

How do you change your life style?

I have tried to change my life style several times but failed. It was my new year resolution but couldn%26#039;t do it. Please help me with this and give me some advice, ideas or tips of How to change mis spending money, to quite smoking, to stop prograstination, to be active person, to get good grades in college, to manage time, to make new freinds, to get involve community activity. If you changed life style successly and had this kind of experience please kindly give me your answer, I really appreciate.|||I think you are trying to do everything at one time. I would sort out the ones that are the most important. Like smoking. Thats going to take sometime, however, thats something you can start on now, while changing something else. You can get in the habit of not smoking, while focusing on the grades. Getting good grades in college is another one. Thats something you have to strive for. Making time to study would help that. And really being dedicated to your work. Thats something you have to focus on now, because finishing college and getting a degree for a career, is apart of your future. So that problem needs to be sorted out now. Misspending money. You should start by ruling out things you dont need to buy. Like seperating things you need versus things you want. Try making a list. The Wants can wait, the needs is something you can focus on now. Which is hard-believe me, I know, Im going through that problem now. But, you dont want to overspend espescially since you are in college. All the rest of these things will fall into place. Once you figure out the big stuff first.|||You do your best at attempting, that is all you can do.|||Sounds like you need to become a monk.

Man, you are trying to be perfect too fast. List them in order of importance and work on the most important first but also try improving on the others.

All of them will be a day at a time and there will be mistakes along the way. Write down where you want to be in 6 months and a year, put it on your bathroom mirror where you can see it daily, and strive for that goal.|||You can%26#039;t just think one day to change your lifestyle. Years of habits have caused you to be who you are today. You need to look deep within yourself and figure out exactly what you want to represent. Remember you hold you life in your hands and change comes with many small steps at a time.